
Posts Tagged ‘rogue landbot’

New Rogue Landbot discovered

I was alerted to the possibility of a new landbot spotted recently by ‘Orlando Gloucester’ and ‘Sergio Sobocinski’, Aparently a new bot ‘Auto Oh’ (Unknown Operator) purchases land at below market value and then immediately marks the price up and resets the parcel to for sale. Being curious I decided to sacrifice a 512 square meter parcel for L$3500 (6.83L$/sq.m.) when the current bottom was 7.3L$/sq.m.. I knew the current buy rate for most other landbots would be lower than that, so besides the risk of another land dealer showing up and purchasing the parcel I would be able to test the information that had been given to me. Setting the parcel directly for sale to ‘Auto Oh’ resulted in no action after a few minutes which showed me that he uses axillary searchers, but he himself did not search. I then remarked the parcel for sale for anyone at L$3500, Shortly thereafter ‘Sergio Sobicinski’ showed up, I asked him not to purchase as I was testing something, he complied and a few seconds later ‘Auto Oh’ showed up, purchased the parcel, remarked the parcel for sale at L$3728 and disappeared. Instant messages have gone unanswered and the parcel still remains for sale as I write this post.

The parcel information remained the same other than ‘:)’ being inserted at the beginning of the parcel Name field, and of course the parcel being repriced and set immediately back for sale. The sacrificial parcel can be visited at secondlife://Saint Clair/208/183/59.

I will add this bot to the directory and if you have any experiences good or bad with this bot please post a comment.

*Edit: removed operators name as could not get confirmation, and previously named person has me reasonably convinced he’s not the operator, so to prevent rotten tomatoes from being thrown I’ve removed his name.

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