
Posts Tagged ‘mistakes happen’

Today I was working on some improvements to the Bots and I messed up. One of the parameters you send to search is the sort order, for those using the viewer this is automatically set. Those of us running landbots have to set this specifically, well I reversed the flag so instead of getting the lowest parcels listed for sale I got the most expensive ones and since the bots calculate their buy rates based initially on the average price of the results returned so as you can imagine if you’ve ever looked at search this set my initial buy rate to about 75L/per sq.m and within about 1/2 second my bot had spent L$356,000 on 5 parcels including a 4096 sq.m parcel for L$300,000. Yes folks thats 73.2L per sq.m for a 4096. I of course immediately kicked myself for forgetting to turn on the debug mode during testing and began contacting the people I purchased the 5 parcels from. All went smoothly until I got in contact with the last and largest mistake. Before I go into the details of that, you should know that because of a few unscrupulous individuals that run landbots we are often all grouped into the ‘evil’ category. I can’t speak for others, but The Super Babenco Brothers have a clean record when it comes to returning mistakes and we even go as far as contacting people when a mistake is obvious instead of waiting for them to contact us. We have never charged for a return or made a single linden on anyone’s mistake.

So I sent an IM and followed it up with a notecard,

The IM:

[2007/12/26 14:17]  Yohan Pintens: Hi Fury, I just made a huge mistake
and bought a parcel of land from you for 300K,
I am wondering if you would be kind enough to undo it.

The Notecard:

Hi Fury,

I was screwing around and purchased your parcel of land in Mantle/231/193
for L$300,000. I totally messed up and did not mean to purchase it.
I am hoping you will be kind enough to assist me in undoing my blunder.
I've marked the parcel back for sale to you for the price I paid. 

Please let me know
Yohan Pintens,
Super Babenco Brothers

About 4 hours later I saw my notecard was accepted, so I sent another IM in hopes of some resolution, the discussion is as follows (unedited) (more…)

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