
Posts Tagged ‘mistake’

Landbots are so fast you barely have time to click OK before one of them is able to purchase your parcel. For the most part people set a price they feel is fair for the parcel of land. Unfortunately those of us that do return mistakes spend a fair amount of time returning parcels of land that were sold by accident for a number of reasons. The most common reasons are:

  • Trying to sell group land to self or trying to deed land to a group, set land for sale to Anyone
  • Attempting to sell land to a friend, but setting to Anyone
  • Forgot to add a Zero to the price
  • Have wrong parcel selected

These are the four most common reasons people inadvertently end up with a landbot owning their parcel of land. When this happens if instructions are followed within a few hours they usually have the land marked back for sale to the original owner. What people do not realize is that when they mark a parcel for sale to Anyone, even if nobody besides them is in the sim their parcel is listed in the public for sale directory usually within seconds, once this occurs landbots and others that watch the land directory for deals can see this parcel come up! The landbots of course being much more efficient with the data can show up and purchase the land often before the seller even realizes what has happened.

There are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening to you:

  1. If you want to put land into a group you do not need to sell the parcel at all!
  2. If you are selling a parcel to a friend, or to yourself in the case of group land, never set the parcel for sale to “Anyone”!
  3. double, triple, quadruple check the numbers! I realize the interface is often cumbersome (it requires 8 clicks just to sell a parcel), but you might be dealing with a large parcel often hundreds of US dollars in value! Take your time, a few extra seconds verifying the information is really what you want will save you time.

Skye Whitcroft has written a very thorough How-to for almost every scenario for dealing with the sale of a parcel of land, we have a copy here for your convenience. This document includes putting your land into group land as well as taking it out.

Most times if you make a mistake, you’re land will be returned to you, however all mistakes can be prevented with a little effort on your part to double check your entry!

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